版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本
Quick Percentage Calculator allows you to calculate percentage %, find percentage value, increase or decrease by percentage, convert fractions to percentage, calculate tip, compare prices, find selling price and profit using Margin Calculator, calculate Compound Interest using Compound Interest Calculator, Calculate, Add or Remove GST and Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI).
Quick Percentage's Compound Interest Calculator allows you to set the duration or period in Years, Months and Days!
Standard Percentage Functions
1. Basic Calculator with History and Memory
You can directly input calculations like 23+23 , 15*30 , 40-20 , 10/5 and find results.
2. Find percentage ( % )
You can calculate simple percentage.
For example, you can calculate what is the percentage of 545 out of 625.
3. Percentage value
You can simply find percentage value of a number.
For example, you can find what is 25% of 18999.
4. Increase or decrease by percentage
Increase a number by a percentage. Ex. Increase 5400 by 25%. This function can be used to calculate taxes like GST, VAT, Excise duty, etc.
Decrease a number by a percentage. Calculate discounted price by entering original product price and dicount percentage. Ex. Decrease 25% from 1200.
5. Fraction to Percentage
Convert any fraction like 3/2 to percentage like 150%.
6. Tip and Split Calculate
You can calculate tip and per head contribution.
For example, You can divide the bill of 1000 in 8 people.
7. Price Comparison
You can compare prices of a smaller quantity product and a bigger quantity product.
Special Percentage Functions
8. Margin Calculator
Find Selling price and profit using Margin calculator.
9. Compound Interest Calculator
Calculate compound interest on principal amount for duration of years, months and days.
10. GST Calculator - Calculate, Add or Remove GST amount from a product price
Calculate Goods and Service Tax of a product. Also you can add GST amount to a product price or remove GST amount from the product price.
11. BMI (Body Mass Index) Calculator
Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) using BMI Counter.
The Quick Percentage and Compound Interest Calculator offers you exclusive features like
1. Standard Memory function keys
It has M+, M-, MC and MR buttons like a standard calculator.
2. Direct Result Sharing
You can directly share results you have calculated using a dedicated share button.
3. Direct Copy
You can directly copy results you have calculated using a dedicated copy button.
4. Directly Launch the App in any Function
You can create shortcut widgets by using which you can launch the app directly in any function you want to.
5. Basic Calculator
You can directly input calculations like 23+23 , 15*30 , 40-20 , 10/5 and find results.
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